CPNA provides early design consultancy to the education sector.
Its Director, Paul Nicholson, has 35 years experience helping schools and universities plan and upgrade their accommodation to meet changing educational requirements and better deliver learning environments.
CPNA projects include University Maths centre remodelling & upgrade, feasibility studies for three primary schools and draft proposals for a new special needs school including designing and running a client and users consultation workshop.
New schools feasibility studies
Client and user consultation workshops
Refurbishment and expansion proposals
Space auditing & proposals, informed by timetables & room scheduling
University facilities remodelling & upgrade
Confidential client: primary school new build proposals
Confidential client: remodelling of office accommodation to new primary school
Confidential client: remodelling of event hall & new build 'house' clusters for new primary school
Stepping Stones: outline concept for new special needs secondary school
Stepping Stones: design & run client & users consultation workshop
QMUL: Maths centre remodelling & extension